What To Do If You Are
Worried About A Friend
Chances are someone you know is in an abusive relationship
One in four women will be affected domestic abuse in their life time - 25% of all women.
If you are worried about a friend or family member it is important you respond safely and ensure they have access to information and confidential support when they need it.
You might be concerned about making the situation worse or you might find it hard to understand 'why doesn't she just leave?'
Listen and be supportive, most importantly be non-judgmental and believe her.
We know physical violence is only one aspect of domestic abuse. Abuse often starts as name-calling, insults and humiliation, escalating into threats and intimidation that are used to frighten, punish or harm.
Women experiencing coercive and controlling behaviours may not recognise what they are living with is domestic abuse. Our online quiz can help women identify potential red flags in any relationship.
We believe no-one should have to live in fear or threat from abuse.
If you are concerned about someone you know YOU CAN call us for information and support on 028 25 632136 and support or email support@womensaidabcln.org​​​
Domestic Violence And Abuse Disclosure Scheme
The Domestic Violence and Abuse Disclosure Scheme also know as Claire's Law enables you to make an enquiry to the police if you are concerned your partner (or a friend or family member's partner) may have a history of violence, abusive or controlling and coercive offending.
You can click here to find out more
If you are affected by domestic abuse YOU CAN call Women's Aid ABCLN on 028 25 632136 or email support@womensaidabcln.org In an EMERGENCY always call 999.