Support In the Community

We provide one to one support and group work for women in the community
Domestic Abuse Specialists based in the community work with women experiencing domestic abuse to provide information, one to one support, practical help and group work.
Our work is trauma informed and needs led.
Crisis Response
Domestic Abuse Specialists work with women to develop a support plan focusing on safety planning and protection measures.
We listen to what women experiencing domestic abuse tell us and respond to their individual needs. We provide one to one support and information enabling women to explore options and make informed choices.
We provide practical support to help women access services including housing, benefits, social services, healthcare and education, financial services, police and legal support.
In the Community
Domestic Abuse Specialists provide ongoing therapeutic support to women and help to address the impact of domestic abuse on their lives by providing:
Emotional support on an individual basis or in a group setting
Personal development, self-esteem and confidence building
Facilitated courses, training and education opportunities
We create a safe and supported environment for women to discuss issues and learn through shared experiences.
We deliver group work and courses for women experiencing domestic abuse, including Journey to Freedom, My Life My Choices and You and Me Mum.
We offer courses including:
Living and Surviving Domestic Abuse,
Me, Myself and I
Steps to De-Stress
Knowing that help is available, that there is a way out of the domestic abuse they have experienced enables women to transform their lives.
Read here Community Leaflet
If you are affected by domestic abuse YOU CAN call Women’s Aid ABCLN on 028 25 632136.