On International Women’s Day Women's Aid ABCLN, the lead organisation dedicated to ending domestic abuse, has announced the launch of a new online quiz enabling women to identify red flags in their relationship.
Women’s Aid ABCLN CEO, Gillian Creevy says “Everyone deserves to have a safe and healthy relationship. Our new online quiz www.womens-aid.org.uk/quiz will enable women to identify red flags and warning signs in their relationship and take the first steps to get the information and support they need.”
The quiz has been developed by Women’s Aid ABCLN practitioners. Each question is based on women’s experiences of the issues faced, and backed up by the expert information and support provided by Domestic Abuse Specialists.”
Gillian says “Our Domestic Abuse Specialists tell us if there is fear of any kind in your relationship, what you are experiencing may be domestic abuse."
“Every woman needs to recognise if there are red flags and warning signs in their relationship. You may feel you are being put down in some way, maybe being told you are worthless or humiliated. You may start to feel isolated from friends and family, a loosening of that close contact you once had with them on a daily basis.”
“You may have a feeling you are being monitored - your partner wants to access your phone, know where you are, who you are meeting. They might say it is because they care about you but are they in fact exercising more and more control over you?”
“You may start to feel you have no control – over your finances, what you wear or what you do. You may increasingly fee intimated or frightened by your partner’s behaviour. You may start to feel real fear creeping in and taking over.”
Gillian says “If you feel this, or you feel any of this might apply to your daughter, a friend or colleague – know you can talk to Women’s Aid ABCLN. Know you can talk to us and get the information and support you need before it gets to crisis stage.”
With PSNI responding to one domestic abuse incident every 16 minutes, and twenty-five women murdered in Northern Ireland since 2020, Gillian says “It is vital all women recognise Women’s Aid ABCLN is here for them and help is available.”
“The online quiz will provide a vital first step for women to recognise when a relationship has the potential to become abusive, and enable them to make informed choices and be safe.”
Gillian says “Take our test – it’s online, it’s short and it’s confidential. It might just save a life. The quiz will allow you to privately check out your relationship Most importantly it will help you to recognised if you might need to get some early help and advice.”
“There is no judgment in contacting us. We are experts in this field. It’s what we do – and we do it really well.”
To view the quiz you can go to www.womens-aid.org.uk/quiz
For more information and support you can call Women’s Aid ABCLN on 028 25 632136 or email support@womensaidabcln.org