Domestic Abuse
What Is Domestic Abuse?
Women’s Aid defines domestic abuse as ‘the intentional and persistent physical or emotional abuse of a woman, or of a woman and her children in a way that causes pain, distress or injury’.​​
Understanding what is domestic abuse and recognising the red flags or warning signs in any relationship is crucial for your safety and well-being.
Domestic abuse can include threatening, controlling, coercive behaviour, violence or abuse.
Domestic abuse can take many forms including psychological, virtual, physical, verbal, sexual, financial or emotional abuse
Domestic abuse can happen to anyone irrespective of age, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or any form of disability.
Domestic abuse can be inflicted by a current or former intimate partner or family member.​
We know that ​​domestic abuse isn't always physical.
Coercive control is a form of domestic abuse involving a pattern of 'abusive behaviors' used to dominate and control a partner. Tactics can include emotional abuse, threats, isolation and financial abuse. It can have a devastating impact, leaving you feeling trapped, isolated, and afraid.​
If you recognise any of these signs in your relationship, it is important to seek help.​
Your partner isolates you from friends and family
Your partner controls your finances or your access to money
Your partner puts you down or makes you feel worthless
Your partner threatens you or your loved ones
Your partner pressures you into sexual activity
Your partner physically assaults you
Your partner stalks or harasses you
​By recognising the signs, YOU CAN take steps to protect yourself and get support.
Our online quiz will help you identify potential red flags in your relationships.
We believe no-one should have to live in fear or threat from abuse.
If you are affected by domestic abuse YOU CAN call Women's Aid ABCLN on 028 25 632136 or email support@womensaidabcln.org In an EMERGENCY always call 999.​​