About Us
Women’s Aid ABCLN provides confidential support, information and emergency accommodation for women and children who are affected by domestic abuse across Antrim, Ballymena, Carrickfergus, Larne and Newtownabbey.
We provide emergency accommodation for women in refuge and self-contained apartments.
We offer one to one support, practical assistance and group work for women in the community.
We provide specialised services and support for children and young people affected by domestic abuse.
Our Older But No Safer project provides increased awareness and greater protection for older women
We believe that no-one should have to live in fear or threat from abuse.
One in four women will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime. PSNI respond to one incident of domestic abuse every 16 minutes. For every incident we know the impact on women and children can be devastating. This can include physical violence, psychological and emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse, threatening, coercive behaviours and control.
Research has shown 30% of domestic abuse begins in pregnancy. In 90% of incidents children are in same or adjacent room when violence happens. In 2023-24 Women’s Aid ABCLN supported 1,547 women and 335 children living with domestic abuse across Antrim, Ballymena, Carrickfergus, Larne and Newtownabbey.
We listen to what women tell us, and recognise and respond to their individual needs. Our work is trauma informed and needs led. We work with women experiencing domestic abuse to develop a support plan focusing on safety planning and protection measures. We provide practical support to enable women to access services including housing, benefits, social services, healthcare and education, financial services, police and legal support.
We offer emotional support for women on an individual basis and/or in a group setting. We provide personal development and confidence building groups and courses that enable women to discuss issues in a safe and supported environment, and learn through shared experiences.
Knowing that help is available and there is a way out of the domestic abuse they have experienced enables women to transform their lives. We challenge, advocate and lobby for and with women and children living with domestic abuse.
Through early intervention and preventative work, we challenge attitudes and beliefs which lead to male violence against women. We work with partner organisations and communities to increase understanding and awareness about domestic abuse, equipping them to recognise and respond to the issues faced.
Together we are working to end domestic abuse.
If you are affected by domestic abuse YOU CAN call Women’s Aid ABCLN on 028 25 632136 or email support@womensaidabcln.org In an emergency call 999